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It’s not just about monetising your passion…

P.S. This is my 51st newsletter! I completely forgot to celebrate the 50th. Oh well … onwards! Thank you to everyone who reads and supports my work. So much love your way!

After years of trying to monetise my passion (i.e., helping people optimise their wellbeing and performance in exchange for $), I have learnt a bunch of stuff that I am ready to share.

It is coming around full circle because I now have the opportunity to help other people monetise their passion.

One of the steepest learning curves for anyone starting out in a service-based business is sales. It’s hard. It’s even harder if YOU are the service because it becomes hard to not take it personally when things don’t go your way.

Creating social media content. What should I say? Am I repeating myself? Which platform? How often should I post?

Reaching out to people to see if you can help. What if they think I am pushy? What if they find me annoying? What if they don’t like me afterwards?

The moment of truth when you make the offer and hold your breath to see if each of your realities will instantaneously change. Am I charging too much? Who am I to think that I can help this person? Why wouldn’t they just go with someone else?

Here’s what I know.

It’s hard. And you know what? It’s worth it.

It’s not just about monetising your passion.

It is who you get to become in the process.

It is also who you get to help in the process.

Much love to you and of course myself.

Dr G

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